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While it is legal to photograph or videotape anything and anyone on any public property, there are reasonable community standards. The library staff and patrons often take photographs and videos at the library and at library programs for posting online or for historic documentation.  Patrons and parents/guardians of children who do not wish to be in library photos are asked to inform the library at the start of the program and every effort will be made to adhere to the request. Patrons are asked to use discretion in photographing and especially in posting photographs of other people’s children.

Any photograph of a patron or child that a patron or parent/guardian does not want posted, but is inadvertently posted by the library, will be removed when requested of library staff.  The library also reserves the right to request that any photograph or video taken in the library that includes patrons or children who request the item be removed, be removed from the Internet at the request of the library.

Revised and approved by the Board of Directors of the Richard Salter Storrs Library, November 21, 2019.